
Editora MOL

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We Are

We are the world largest social impact publishing house.
Our expertise is doing something we invented ourselves:
social-editorial projects. They are printed
content products magazines, books, calendars, guides -
that do extraordinary good, according to the following principles, following 7 principles:

01 Our projects always donate part of the cover price to support NGOs that fight for major causes.
02 Our products are sold for prices under the traditional market price, to democratize access to reading.
03 We only publish positive content: real and inspiring stories, journalism for citizenship, and do it yourself for quality of life it yourself for quality of life.
04 We create innovative business models: by using resources already available to connect brands, consumers, and causes.
05 We create and manage all projects end-to-end, from editorial production to sales, thus guaranteeing incredible results.
06 We are audited and transparent from en-to-end: at the printing shop, in sales, in donations, in rendering of public accounts.
07 It's always a win-win: for MOL, for the brands, readers, NGOs, and the society in general - everything we do has to be good for everyone.
R$ 80,217,875.39
donated since 2008
R$ 88,177,119.11
donated, in values corrected
according to the inflation rate for the period
R$ 5.01million

per year

R$ 399thousand

per month

R$ 13thousand

per day

R$ 544

per hour

We are a
profitable and generous
social business:

between 2008 and 2022, for every R$ 1.00 of operating profit
we donate R$ 5 donated

39,452,635 of MOL products sold
225 NGOs beneficiary
1.5 milion
people served
per year in all the
regions of the country
6,421 units a day!


07 magazine
&   161 editions
already produced
How much we donated to
each one of our causes:

& Citizenship


& well-being





Inspiration we make
it different
to make the
Our role
in the world:
We create products with inspiring content,
with innovative business models, that
support causes that we believe in,
create value for our partners and
drive positive change
in people’s lives.
Inspiration we make
it different
to make the
01 Meaning We believe in the purpose of our daily work. Passion inspires us to create with pleasure, and to cater to our relationships, overcome challenges and to put our hearts into absolutely everything we do.
02 Contribution Our publications are transforming. Our content is affordable and inspiring, to foster a more equal society. Our business models create value for partner companies and income for causes.
03 Colaboration We are committed to each other. We do what has to be done, we share the best part of us and build good results together for all - employees, partners and the public.
04 Creativity We are driven by ideas and ideals. We foster initiative, learning, innovation and perseverance to endeavor our dreams, achieve our visions and innovate in all our work.
05 Quality We only do good things. We want to be proud of everything we produce and all the relationships built throughout this process. We have to grow and be better than we were yesterday every single day and for every project.
06 Balance We work to live. We are a small and well-catered business, with the ambition of being the best, not the biggest. We appreciate the lightness of the environment, healthy relationships and personal achievement as much as we appreciate the bottom line.
07 Integrity We are responsible for our commitments. We are honest in our relationships. We are clear about our objectives. We are transparent about our deliverables. We are true about our dedication.
Editora MOL
Claudia Inoue
Claudia Inoue
Arquiteta formada pela USP, dirige a arte da casa em todas as publicações Claudia e Dilson almoçam juntos (praticamente) todos os dias há 10 anos Claudia fez faculdade de arquitetura com a irmã do Artur
Gersiane Hosang
Dilson Branco
Dilson Branco
Jornalista formado pela UFSC, edita as publicações que são o coração da MOL Dilson organiza um futebolzinho semanal, o Perebas, onde o Artur já jogou Dilson e Rodrigo são os únicos aptos a tocar o violão da redação
Artur Louback
Artur Louback
Jornalista formado pela USP, é quem cuida dos projetos da MOL Consultoria Artur e Rodrigo trabalharam juntos no comecinho do Estúdio, antes da Editora existir Artur e Roberta são casados e têm quatro filhos (por enquanto)
Rodrigo Pipponzi
Rodrigo Pipponzi
Administrador formado pela FGV, é o gestor da Editora na estratégia e no back office Claudia começou como estagiária do Rodrigo ainda no Estúdio MOL Roberta é madrinha de casamento do Rodrigo
Raíssa Pena
Roberta Faria
Roberta Faria
Jornalista formada pela UFSC, cria, vende e responde pela produção de todos os projetos Roberta e Dilson são amigos desde a faculdade, vieram juntos para São Paulo e já dividiram apartamento Claudia e Roberta são virginianas (e, graças à Clau, o assunto astrologia é o nº 1 da redação)
Christianne Toledo
Claudia Inoue
Claudia Inoue
Dilson Branco
Dilson Branco
Artur Louback
Artur Louback
Rodrigo Pipponzi
Rodrigo Pipponzi
Roberta Faria
Roberta Faria
Gersiane Hosang
Gersiane Hosang
Raíssa Pena
Raíssa Pena
Christianne Toledo
Christianne Toledo
Press Room
  • Roberta Faria CEO
  • Claudia Inoue Chief Creative Officer
  • Dilson Branco Chief Content Officer
  • Raíssa Pena Chief Communications Officer
  • Marcia Kedouk Editorial Director
  • Adriana Kuchler Editor in Chief
  • Isabela Noronha Editor in Chief
  • Camila Almeida Editor in Chief
  • May Tanferri Editor in Chief
  • Débora Lublinski Content Editor
  • Olivia Ferraz Art Editor
  • Carolina Siqueira Photo and Video Editor
  • Robson Novaes Art Editor
  • Kari Priester Designer
  • Roberta Barbieri Communication Manager
  • Clara Rezende Designer
  • Maria Elisa Lobo Designer
  • Jaqueline Barbosa Digital Strategies Analyst
  • Ana Maria de Paula Print Production Planner
  • Natália Schiavon Designer
  • Carol D'Avila Designer
  • Júlia Lima Communication Analyst
  • Karolyne Oliveira Communication Analyst
  • Lara Fernandes Communication Analyst
  • Andressa Marques Communication Intern
  • Giselly Correa Journalism Intern
  • Laura Lopez Producer Trainee
  • Rodrigo Pipponzi Chairman of the Board
  • Artur Louback Chief Innovation Officer
  • Gersiane Hosang Chief Financial Officer
  • Christianne Toledo Chief Operations Officer
  • Rafaela Carvalho Engagement Director
  • Elaine Duarte Financial Manager
  • Duda Schneider Partnership Manager
  • Caroline Muccida New Businesses Manager
  • Andréa Breschiliare Retail Operations Manager
  • Joana Darc Leal Relationship with NGOs Coordinator
  • Thaís da Silva Retail Operations Manager
  • Richard Furtado Retail Operations Manager
  • Estefano André Facilities Analyst
  • Marcela Morais Financial Analyst
  • Karen Borges Engagement Analyst
  • Maria Freitas Engagement Intern
  • Beatriz Leão Partnership Analyst
  • Isabella Rodrigues Viel Human Resources Analyst
  • Gisele Soares People and Culture Manager
  • Luana Gomes Financial Analyst
  • Ludson Fróes Data Intelligence Analyst
  • Diuliane Santos Relationship with NGOs Analyst
  • Nilda Dias Cafeteria worker

Every MOL Publishing House project is audited by an external and independent company VACC, which audits print runs, sales reports, collected values, tax paid, and donations carried out, among other issues. Reports are published for each edition and can be checked in the respective project page.

Learn more about the projects
Social Balance

To celebrate its 10th anniversary, in 2017 MOL published its first consolidated social balance, with the statement for all the projects, in addition to the details of the Publishing House history, products, causes, business models, and testimonies of the NGOs and retail partners. We will be glad if you take the time to read it :)

Download our social balance


We obtain certifications that attest to our good practices and positive impact, and we join associations to build relations with those that share our values. These are some of the seals we are proud of ;)

Tesouro Verde

Recebemos o Selo Sustentabilidade Tesouro Verde por ter investido no Crédito de Floresta. Neutralizamos a nossa pegada de carbono corporativa, ou seja, o que é gerado pelo trabalho de escritório.


A Editora MOL foi reconhecida no Prêmio Melhores para o Brasil 2021, realizado pela Humanizadas. Fomos avaliados em critérios como princípios de gestão e cultura organizacional, e recebemos um nível de confiança de 95%.

Capitalismo Consciente

We support Capitalismo Consciente Brasil and construction of an innovative and sustainable economy whose purpose goes beyond profits.


We are Great Place To Work, helping to build a better society from within our company.



Fomos premiados como Empreendedores Sociais de 2019 pela Fundação Schwab, organização ligada ao Fórum Econômico Mundial e reconhecida mundialmente por apoiar o empreendedorismo social.

Empreendedor Social 2018

We won the 2018 edition of the Social Entrepreneur Award (the most important award for social entrepreneurship in Brazil) in both categories: chosen by the jury and reader's choice. The award is a partnership of Folha de S. Paulo with the Schwab Foundation.

Logo Best For The World

Fomos reconhecidos pelo Sistema B como Best For The World (Melhor para o Mundo) em 2019 e em 2021 pelo excelente impacto positivo que causamos na comunidade.

Empresa B

We are a B Corp, a strict internat ional certification recognizing the use of business to solve social problems.